Paula got a bad note home yesterday for excessive talking.
Me: You got a bad note today?
Paula: Yes. looks down towards the ground then looks at dad who is smiling.
Me: What were you talking about?
Paula: Well, I was talking about our vacation coming up to Hawaii. Me, Jessica & Lauren all sit in table 3 now and it's SO hard not to tell my best friends about my exciting vacation. Looks down towards the ground. Shakes head. So hard.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
DeMartini Family Fish Fry 2008
DeMartini Family Fish Fry 2008
Uncle Peter, Uncle David, Joan (my mom), Aunt Julie, Aunt Charlotte, Aunt Terry
Cousins Only (1st, 2nd and 3rd cousins - I'm 2nd from the top on the left, my brother Alan is on the top far left)

For over 25 years now my moms side of the family (The DeMartini's) have been doing an annual reunion we've appropriately named the DeMartini Family Fish Fry. We have shirts, aprons and hats made (sometimes hats, not always). This year it was held in Willits, CA at my cousin Steve's. He wasn't even there this year. It's True. He was rafting down the Grand Canyon. But he trusts us (silly boy) and so over 50 of us (small compared to some years) met and drank wine (lots and lots of wine), beer and more wine. Also, as tradition we have crab, focaccia bread (Italian bread) and filet of fish with peas, mashed potatoes, and a huge salad. It never varies.
My grandparents Romeo DeMartini (obviously Italian) and Frances Tilton (Irish) married and had 6 children all raised in the catholic faith. My grandma was about to say her vows to be a nun when my Grandpa decided he had to have her as his wife. Apparently he was very persuasive. They lived on San Francisco until he retired. They had a house built in Columbia CA (historic gold mining town). They are both buried there now. Grandpa lived to be 92, Grandma only 78 (cancer).
The list of children from my mother, aunts and uncles are :15 first cousins, (I'm number 11 in the line) 17 second cousins, and 8 third cousins. There were 3 babies this weekend. Twins boy/girl - 3 mos and a 6 week old girl. So darn cute.
Once you've been to a Fish Fry you're always welcome back. We have ex-girlfriends and ex-wives who come back with their new hubbies.
I have a great family and I love that my kids get to experience this fun event.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
This is a funny back and forth conversation of sorts with some friends of ours. Our girls all play on the same softball team. The emails started out finalizing our hat purchases for the team. Steve designed our awesome logo. In addition, Brett, Steve and Todd have been busy buying slot machines made by a company called Pachislo for our school festival next month. Steve runs our casino booth. We all 3 now have one in our homes. The guys love them more than the kids. Todd is the nerd of the group with all his wire and electrical knowledge. Not to mention he has a taste for expensive electronics. I want to save this for posterity purposes.
Family Status
Brett and Patty with daughter Payton
Steve and Johna with daughter Lauren *(not mentioned)
Todd and Sandra with daughter Paula
If all of the hat purchasers are OK with the additional logo cost, we should go ahead and make the hat purchase happen. Please email J.D., Greg, or myself if you don’t want a hat given the extra cost. Mine will be used as guilt leverage when she is 17 and wants to go out with a younger version of Steve or Todd. “How could you do this to a dad who has given his whole life for you”. This is when I pull out the hat and start to sob - Brett
Brett,You're brilliant! The visual you painted about sobbing with the [team name] hat in your hand while convincing Payton not to date boys like Steve and Todd was gut-wrenching! I have some other tips my mother used (which obviously didn't work!) if you'd like to hear them some time! Johna
Johna, I am going to put you on next weeks practice schedule. How long do you need to present your “How to control your teenage daughter” seminar. - Brett
I don’t know what’s worse, a teenager dating someone like Todd or having a daughter who’s going to grow up just like him. Here is an email he sent to me this morning about Paula. Can you tell she’s HIS daughter? haha
“Paula said as we were going to bed last night that she needs a Nintendo DS, some other high $$$ super advanced electrical device. And then she said OH, and a Nintendo WI. LOL I was like how do you even know what all that stuff is? Oh kids at school have them. I told her to stay away from them. LOL”
(Brett) That is too funny. I could see Paula’s serious face asking for these items. Very similar to Payton trying to explain to me why she need five more minutes on the Pachislo machine before bed. Todd’s “Super Nerd” status has infected our quiet household J On the positive side, Paula will probably turn that Nintendo into a WIFI device that will perform background checks on her potential dates. On the bad side, she will be able to disable all of Todd’s “Your not sneaking out tonight electronics”. Brett
You have nothing to worry about, she would never fall for a guy like Todd or myself. Well, unless Payton loves slot machines, camping, travel, music, dancing and parties.
Hmmm... Things to ponder Steve
... well she just hit three cherries and the game is blasting!
- Patty :-)
Family Status
Brett and Patty with daughter Payton
Steve and Johna with daughter Lauren *(not mentioned)
Todd and Sandra with daughter Paula
If all of the hat purchasers are OK with the additional logo cost, we should go ahead and make the hat purchase happen. Please email J.D., Greg, or myself if you don’t want a hat given the extra cost. Mine will be used as guilt leverage when she is 17 and wants to go out with a younger version of Steve or Todd. “How could you do this to a dad who has given his whole life for you”. This is when I pull out the hat and start to sob - Brett
Brett,You're brilliant! The visual you painted about sobbing with the [team name] hat in your hand while convincing Payton not to date boys like Steve and Todd was gut-wrenching! I have some other tips my mother used (which obviously didn't work!) if you'd like to hear them some time! Johna
Johna, I am going to put you on next weeks practice schedule. How long do you need to present your “How to control your teenage daughter” seminar. - Brett
I don’t know what’s worse, a teenager dating someone like Todd or having a daughter who’s going to grow up just like him. Here is an email he sent to me this morning about Paula. Can you tell she’s HIS daughter? haha
“Paula said as we were going to bed last night that she needs a Nintendo DS, some other high $$$ super advanced electrical device. And then she said OH, and a Nintendo WI. LOL I was like how do you even know what all that stuff is? Oh kids at school have them. I told her to stay away from them. LOL”
(Brett) That is too funny. I could see Paula’s serious face asking for these items. Very similar to Payton trying to explain to me why she need five more minutes on the Pachislo machine before bed. Todd’s “Super Nerd” status has infected our quiet household J On the positive side, Paula will probably turn that Nintendo into a WIFI device that will perform background checks on her potential dates. On the bad side, she will be able to disable all of Todd’s “Your not sneaking out tonight electronics”. Brett
You have nothing to worry about, she would never fall for a guy like Todd or myself. Well, unless Payton loves slot machines, camping, travel, music, dancing and parties.
Hmmm... Things to ponder Steve
... well she just hit three cherries and the game is blasting!
- Patty :-)
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
softball fun
Just so you know, I don't know why it's underlined. I can't make it go away. Sorry.
So I think I've mentioned that the girls are in girls league softball this year. I wasn't sure how well Shawna would handle it given she's only 5 and it's a 7U (seven and under) team. She's doing great and the coaches let her take small breaks throughout the 1.5 hour practice.
Last year Paula played on this same team but her enthusiasm lacked. She didn't want to run fast thru bases or run hard basically. This year she's doing much better. We basically hand picked our team this year. We have all new coaches (last year's coach didn't impress me much). Shawna adores Brett, one of the dads who coaches. He's really awesome. His family is one who came camping w/us last summer and they're going again in August w/us. Payton, his daughter, is in Paula's class. There are a total of 4 families from the school and then a couple others. I'm the Team Parent for the team. So far I've just had to attend 1 meeting but now I have to hand out stuff and make lists and snack schedules. It should be a piece of cake. As long as I wasn't in charge of the dugout. It's gets crazy in there and I'm happier sitting on my fanny watching the game then keeping 10 little excitable girls in line and cheering.
Pictures from last weeks practice I believe.
Shawna showing her great throwing arm
Friday, April 11, 2008
Friday Friday Friday
Various things to blog about.
1. So Frontier airlines filed Chapter 11. They haven't cancelled flights yet but this is again not great news. They're not the airline we picked but "Whoops, there goes another one".
1. Today I had lunch with an ex-coworker. We've known each other for maybe over 10 years but haven't seen each other in 7. She works for one of our competitors now. It was fun to complain about our jobs. The same stuff happens everywhere no matter where you work. I forgot how much fun she is.
3. I'm hoping Todd takes the girls for hair cuts today. Paula's especially gets so tangled being so thick and long. Paula said she'd get layers which would really help the tangle problem. Shawna wants to grow her bangs out so she just needs a 1" trim. Her hair does not tangle since it's very fine and smooth. It's interesting to me how different their hair is.
4. I have my own hair appt tonight. Need to color in the grays. My hairstylist called to say she had an hour open before my appt if I wanted to come in early. I couldn't. She said that's fine, she needs to run some errands. She's out of wine. (she serves me wine while I'm in the spa). I told her to definitely get me my wine! She laughed and called me a bitch. haha We get along very well. She's drop dead gorgeous. Like model gorgeous. I always feel like I can't go in looking dumpy when I see her. Staring at her and then me in the mirror is like a polar opposite. She reminds me of a blond Eva Longoria Parker. She moved my appt to today from next week because next week she's having her boobs fixed. Again. 20 years or so ago she had her boobs done. Of the 5 problems you can have from that, she's had all 5. She's also had at least 5 surgeries to fix the problems. She wants smaller perky boobs now, not stripper boobs like she's got. She also wants silicone instead of the saline she has now. She's the reason I rethink getting a boob job. I'd love one, but I do not want to experience all her problems. She's got money. TONS of money. Her dh is a millionaire. I do not have money. I live check to check. As it is I'm financing my mouth. She drives a $150K convertible 2-door 500 series Mercedes.
5. I'm closer to getting my braces off. The ortho says he's done, the periodontist says the Xray shows there is still enough space between the roots to do the implants, I just need the other dentist (he's in charge of the crowns) to approve the spaces he wanted closed. If I get all 3 to approve I'm scheduled for the surgery on May 25th. I can't drink alcohol a week before the appt so I had to make it after our Maui vacation since I KNOW I'm drinking there. The sheet also said not to drink after surgery for the first few months the implants have to heal. That might be difficult. Did I mention this is costing me a fortune.? omg Insurance really needs to add implants to their dental line. Everything else is covered at least partially like bridges, crowns, fillings, caps. Maybe even dentures. I see the last dr on Monday. If he approves I'll make an appt to have the braces removed. That same day I need to pick up a invisalign type retainer that will have a fake tooth in it. Then 3 days later or so my other retainer will be ready and it will have a tooth on it too. Otherwise I'll be a total hillbilly. In addition dentist #3 has to make a "guide" for Periodontist so he knows where to exactly place the implants. It's basically a retainer also but has holes or something where the implants go. Then the ortho will send over another retainer for the healing process. Oh, and since I'm paying to be totally knocked out for the procedure, I need to have someone drive me to the appt and take me home. If I drive myself, my car is stuck across the bay. Taxi's would be really expensive. The logistics of all this seem a bit daunting now but once it's over I'll be so thrilled.
1. So Frontier airlines filed Chapter 11. They haven't cancelled flights yet but this is again not great news. They're not the airline we picked but "Whoops, there goes another one".
1. Today I had lunch with an ex-coworker. We've known each other for maybe over 10 years but haven't seen each other in 7. She works for one of our competitors now. It was fun to complain about our jobs. The same stuff happens everywhere no matter where you work. I forgot how much fun she is.
3. I'm hoping Todd takes the girls for hair cuts today. Paula's especially gets so tangled being so thick and long. Paula said she'd get layers which would really help the tangle problem. Shawna wants to grow her bangs out so she just needs a 1" trim. Her hair does not tangle since it's very fine and smooth. It's interesting to me how different their hair is.
4. I have my own hair appt tonight. Need to color in the grays. My hairstylist called to say she had an hour open before my appt if I wanted to come in early. I couldn't. She said that's fine, she needs to run some errands. She's out of wine. (she serves me wine while I'm in the spa). I told her to definitely get me my wine! She laughed and called me a bitch. haha We get along very well. She's drop dead gorgeous. Like model gorgeous. I always feel like I can't go in looking dumpy when I see her. Staring at her and then me in the mirror is like a polar opposite. She reminds me of a blond Eva Longoria Parker. She moved my appt to today from next week because next week she's having her boobs fixed. Again. 20 years or so ago she had her boobs done. Of the 5 problems you can have from that, she's had all 5. She's also had at least 5 surgeries to fix the problems. She wants smaller perky boobs now, not stripper boobs like she's got. She also wants silicone instead of the saline she has now. She's the reason I rethink getting a boob job. I'd love one, but I do not want to experience all her problems. She's got money. TONS of money. Her dh is a millionaire. I do not have money. I live check to check. As it is I'm financing my mouth. She drives a $150K convertible 2-door 500 series Mercedes.
5. I'm closer to getting my braces off. The ortho says he's done, the periodontist says the Xray shows there is still enough space between the roots to do the implants, I just need the other dentist (he's in charge of the crowns) to approve the spaces he wanted closed. If I get all 3 to approve I'm scheduled for the surgery on May 25th. I can't drink alcohol a week before the appt so I had to make it after our Maui vacation since I KNOW I'm drinking there. The sheet also said not to drink after surgery for the first few months the implants have to heal. That might be difficult. Did I mention this is costing me a fortune.? omg Insurance really needs to add implants to their dental line. Everything else is covered at least partially like bridges, crowns, fillings, caps. Maybe even dentures. I see the last dr on Monday. If he approves I'll make an appt to have the braces removed. That same day I need to pick up a invisalign type retainer that will have a fake tooth in it. Then 3 days later or so my other retainer will be ready and it will have a tooth on it too. Otherwise I'll be a total hillbilly. In addition dentist #3 has to make a "guide" for Periodontist so he knows where to exactly place the implants. It's basically a retainer also but has holes or something where the implants go. Then the ortho will send over another retainer for the healing process. Oh, and since I'm paying to be totally knocked out for the procedure, I need to have someone drive me to the appt and take me home. If I drive myself, my car is stuck across the bay. Taxi's would be really expensive. The logistics of all this seem a bit daunting now but once it's over I'll be so thrilled.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Punctuation IS important
The purpose of punctuation is to help make clear the meaning of printed or written language.
Read the following passage, without punctuation..
i would like to apply for a job with your company for two years i have been employed as a sales clerk for the jones store i sold nothing that i did not take pride in i am sure it will be the same if i work for you
Now, look at how much easier it is to read with punctuation:
I would like to apply for a job with your company. For two years I have been employed as a sales clerk for the Jones store. I sold nothing that I did not take pride in. I am sure it will be the same if I work for you.
Here is an real email I received today from a customer who buys product from us. I was inquiring on the status of some invoices which were being short paid. You work in a business people. Use punctuation!
"sorry I did not get this sooner to you. I wanted to let you know invoice
su818031 for po 10135083 balance for 374.80 is hitting the account invoice
su597031 we are sending to buyer for approval on po 10113592 and there was a new case created for the following invoices su597031 and su695770 we are sending these over to the department for processing under new pos they are as follows inv su695770 new po 10124446 for 238.80 and ind su61425a new po
10115043 2043.20 hope that helps clear some issues"
Uh, no! You just confused me more!
Read the following passage, without punctuation..
i would like to apply for a job with your company for two years i have been employed as a sales clerk for the jones store i sold nothing that i did not take pride in i am sure it will be the same if i work for you
Now, look at how much easier it is to read with punctuation:
I would like to apply for a job with your company. For two years I have been employed as a sales clerk for the Jones store. I sold nothing that I did not take pride in. I am sure it will be the same if I work for you.
Here is an real email I received today from a customer who buys product from us. I was inquiring on the status of some invoices which were being short paid. You work in a business people. Use punctuation!
"sorry I did not get this sooner to you. I wanted to let you know invoice
su818031 for po 10135083 balance for 374.80 is hitting the account invoice
su597031 we are sending to buyer for approval on po 10113592 and there was a new case created for the following invoices su597031 and su695770 we are sending these over to the department for processing under new pos they are as follows inv su695770 new po 10124446 for 238.80 and ind su61425a new po
10115043 2043.20 hope that helps clear some issues"
Uh, no! You just confused me more!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Airline Crisis
We leave for Maui in a few weeks. We bought our tickets last year. Literally. Well, who do you think goes and announces their canceling all flights and claiming bankruptcy? Our airline. Grreeeaat! Thankfully Susan called me (They're flying with us) so we hopped on the 'puter and found new flights. Not as great as the ones I had before (no stops, great times) but, beggers can't be choosers.
We each also got news that we'll be refunded for the cancelled flights. Phew!
Now I'm freaking over all these airlines cancelling flights to inspect their planes for faulty wiring. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to be on a plane w/faulty wiring, but I also do not want this interferring with my vacation!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Clothing crisis
Me: Shawna, good girl! You got out of bed all on your own. I'm so proud of you. Give her squeeze, hug and kiss. What do you want to wear today?
Shawna: Something Pretty
Me: here we go again. You have lots of pretty things. Look at all these dresses.
Shawna: I want to wear something of Paula's. Paula has prettier clothes than I do.
Me: That's not true. In fact, most of the clothes in your closet were Paula's. Not sure how that will be taken. Anything you wear makes you pretty Shawna.
Shawna: But you never buy ME anything pretty. You just buy Paula pretty clothes.
Me: That's not true. sigh What about this dress? It's pretty.
Shawna: I want to wear my butterfly dress that I wore yesterday. It's not dirty.
Me: You're not wearing the same thing twice to school. Pick something else.
Shawna: But I can wear it again.
Me: No you can't. We do not wear the same clothes to school 2 days in a row.
Shawna: I want one of the dresses that is downstairs.
Me: Fine, lets go down and see what's there. I know the Hawaii dress is down there. Do you want that one?
Shawna: Looks at the 2 dresses on the couch. I don't want those dresses. She looks in the pile of clean folded clothes that is sitting on the coffee table. I want to wear this shirt with the purple pants. She always wears these 2 items paired.
Me: The pants aren't clean. Pick something else.
Shawna: But you can get them out of the laundry. I can wear them again.
Me: No Shawna. Your not wearing dirty pants. You play hard in your clothes and they need to be cleaned.
Shawna: Then I don't have anything pretty. Starts whining.
Me: You're not being flexible. The word I use a lot when it comes to their clothing. You're telling me that out of all your clothes only 2 are pretty. That's not being flexible Shawna. If you don't pick something soon I'm picking it for you. Walk away toward the laundry room to double check to see if I didn't in fact put the dark purple pants in with the blacks now in the dyer. Didn't. Darn. I can't wait until you're in a uniform next year.
We go upstairs. Look thru the closet again.
Shawna: I don't like anything.
Me: Then this is what your wearing. Go to drawer. Grab khaki pants.
Shawna: Fine. But I want to pick the shirt. Points to a Lacrosse pink shirt in closet.
Me: Fine, lets get this on. We are not being late again because you only want to wear 2 things. shoving her in the clothes at this point because my patience has worn out.
Shawna: Crying. Saying I'm mean.
Me: Now, go in the bathroom and brush your own teeth. I need to get dressed and I'm not helping you do anything else. You do the things you know you need to do. Don't forget to get socks.
Shawna: minutes later...I can't find any socks that match.
Me: Walk into her room calmly. You need to say sorry. Look in her sock drawer and yes, none of the ones left except a couple match. Bad mommy. Where does the 2nd sock end up? Total mystery in my house.
Shawna: Sorry. I want the pink ones with the balls on the end.
Me: Why are you sorry? Putting on the pink socks.
Shawna: For not being more flexible.
Me: Yes, and tonight you're picking your clothes out before bed. We're not doing this again. Your not going on a job interview or to work. Your going to school to play. You do not need to wear fancy clothes.
Later in car on way to school
Shawna: Can we watch a movie? wants dvd turned on in car
Me: No, we only get TV when we've had a good morning with no yelling or crying.
Shawna: But I said sorry, and I'm being good now. Plus we haven't watched TV in a lot of days.
Me: You're right, we haven't watched TV in the car in a lot of days, so if tomorrow we have a good morning you can watch TV. You can not only want to wear 2 things when you go to school 5 days a week Shawna. You have got to be more flexible and wear more things.
Shawna: ok
Until tomorrow............
Shawna: Something Pretty
Me: here we go again. You have lots of pretty things. Look at all these dresses.
Shawna: I want to wear something of Paula's. Paula has prettier clothes than I do.
Me: That's not true. In fact, most of the clothes in your closet were Paula's. Not sure how that will be taken. Anything you wear makes you pretty Shawna.
Shawna: But you never buy ME anything pretty. You just buy Paula pretty clothes.
Me: That's not true. sigh What about this dress? It's pretty.
Shawna: I want to wear my butterfly dress that I wore yesterday. It's not dirty.
Me: You're not wearing the same thing twice to school. Pick something else.
Shawna: But I can wear it again.
Me: No you can't. We do not wear the same clothes to school 2 days in a row.
Shawna: I want one of the dresses that is downstairs.
Me: Fine, lets go down and see what's there. I know the Hawaii dress is down there. Do you want that one?
Shawna: Looks at the 2 dresses on the couch. I don't want those dresses. She looks in the pile of clean folded clothes that is sitting on the coffee table. I want to wear this shirt with the purple pants. She always wears these 2 items paired.
Me: The pants aren't clean. Pick something else.
Shawna: But you can get them out of the laundry. I can wear them again.
Me: No Shawna. Your not wearing dirty pants. You play hard in your clothes and they need to be cleaned.
Shawna: Then I don't have anything pretty. Starts whining.
Me: You're not being flexible. The word I use a lot when it comes to their clothing. You're telling me that out of all your clothes only 2 are pretty. That's not being flexible Shawna. If you don't pick something soon I'm picking it for you. Walk away toward the laundry room to double check to see if I didn't in fact put the dark purple pants in with the blacks now in the dyer. Didn't. Darn. I can't wait until you're in a uniform next year.
We go upstairs. Look thru the closet again.
Shawna: I don't like anything.
Me: Then this is what your wearing. Go to drawer. Grab khaki pants.
Shawna: Fine. But I want to pick the shirt. Points to a Lacrosse pink shirt in closet.
Me: Fine, lets get this on. We are not being late again because you only want to wear 2 things. shoving her in the clothes at this point because my patience has worn out.
Shawna: Crying. Saying I'm mean.
Me: Now, go in the bathroom and brush your own teeth. I need to get dressed and I'm not helping you do anything else. You do the things you know you need to do. Don't forget to get socks.
Shawna: minutes later...I can't find any socks that match.
Me: Walk into her room calmly. You need to say sorry. Look in her sock drawer and yes, none of the ones left except a couple match. Bad mommy. Where does the 2nd sock end up? Total mystery in my house.
Shawna: Sorry. I want the pink ones with the balls on the end.
Me: Why are you sorry? Putting on the pink socks.
Shawna: For not being more flexible.
Me: Yes, and tonight you're picking your clothes out before bed. We're not doing this again. Your not going on a job interview or to work. Your going to school to play. You do not need to wear fancy clothes.
Later in car on way to school
Shawna: Can we watch a movie? wants dvd turned on in car
Me: No, we only get TV when we've had a good morning with no yelling or crying.
Shawna: But I said sorry, and I'm being good now. Plus we haven't watched TV in a lot of days.
Me: You're right, we haven't watched TV in the car in a lot of days, so if tomorrow we have a good morning you can watch TV. You can not only want to wear 2 things when you go to school 5 days a week Shawna. You have got to be more flexible and wear more things.
Shawna: ok
Until tomorrow............
Friday, April 4, 2008
April already
I know I'm behind in posting. My girlfriend from childhood came out to visit me and we had a fun and busy week. I'll post about that later when I get more pictures downloaded.
I do have lots to post about though. Like how thanks to ATA airlines going bankrupt and canceling all flights as of Tuesday AM, I have now spent a total of $4K for my family to fly to and from Maui next month. That was exciting. We'll now be traveling in 2 planes each way opposed to the 1 each way I had arranged creating a longer day of travel. I'm just glad we got on new flights. I've made a case with Amex to get my money back for the cancelled flights. I used their Amex Travel system to buy the tickets and paid for them using my Amex card so I'm hopeful. Todd is optimistic and he's never optimistic. He's a true pessimist.
Speaking of Todd, my dear husband wanted his family to all come to my house this weekend for his dad's birthday. Now, don't get me wrong, I love his family. Most of them anyway. Well, maybe just a few. But I just had house guests for a week and was looking forward to a mellow weekend ALONE. Not to mention that I have 2 weeks of laundry to tackle this weekend, in addition to spending 5 hours volunteering for a Fun Run on Saturday morning for my daughters school where I have to be up and out of the house before 7am. So yeah, I don't want to do the family thing this weekend. Thankfully it's not happening. If it were I would escape to my friends house where I tend to hide out from my family. A lot.
Don't get me wrong, I mean, I love my family. Really. I mean, how can you not love small little cute blond girls who ask you every 5 minutes for a new food group to eat. And who doesn't want to say "Use your indoor voice" a dozen times a day, break up fights, listen to squealing and screaming, and tell your kids a million times a day to leave the dog alone. And who wouldn't want to hear the Hannah Montana show on the TV each and every time it's turned on because we really thought it was a good idea to Tivo each and every show so the girls could watch it any time they wanted and it turns out That's all the time. So yes, I love my family. Really.
I do have lots to post about though. Like how thanks to ATA airlines going bankrupt and canceling all flights as of Tuesday AM, I have now spent a total of $4K for my family to fly to and from Maui next month. That was exciting. We'll now be traveling in 2 planes each way opposed to the 1 each way I had arranged creating a longer day of travel. I'm just glad we got on new flights. I've made a case with Amex to get my money back for the cancelled flights. I used their Amex Travel system to buy the tickets and paid for them using my Amex card so I'm hopeful. Todd is optimistic and he's never optimistic. He's a true pessimist.
Speaking of Todd, my dear husband wanted his family to all come to my house this weekend for his dad's birthday. Now, don't get me wrong, I love his family. Most of them anyway. Well, maybe just a few. But I just had house guests for a week and was looking forward to a mellow weekend ALONE. Not to mention that I have 2 weeks of laundry to tackle this weekend, in addition to spending 5 hours volunteering for a Fun Run on Saturday morning for my daughters school where I have to be up and out of the house before 7am. So yeah, I don't want to do the family thing this weekend. Thankfully it's not happening. If it were I would escape to my friends house where I tend to hide out from my family. A lot.
Don't get me wrong, I mean, I love my family. Really. I mean, how can you not love small little cute blond girls who ask you every 5 minutes for a new food group to eat. And who doesn't want to say "Use your indoor voice" a dozen times a day, break up fights, listen to squealing and screaming, and tell your kids a million times a day to leave the dog alone. And who wouldn't want to hear the Hannah Montana show on the TV each and every time it's turned on because we really thought it was a good idea to Tivo each and every show so the girls could watch it any time they wanted and it turns out That's all the time. So yes, I love my family. Really.
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