My mammo came back fine. There is some asymetry that they saw but no lumps, bumps or scary things. They want me to go back in 6 mos for a re-check. I'm relieved. I still have concerns about the sensations I have on my right boob so I I tried to get them to do a biopsy but she's like "We don't see anything in there. I know you want me to tell you something Gory but I'm not going to". She was actually kind of funny about it. I liked her.
So I'm apparently going to live awhile longer.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Happy Thursday
Shawna came down with a fever of 102 on Tuesday so she stayed home from school yesterday. Mostly she was fine and annoyed me all day. I sent her to school today and hope she makes it thru w/out any trips to the office where we get a phone call to pick her up.
I have my follow-up mammogram today at 1pm. I'm nervous. I have butterflies in my stomach. My gut is telling me that there is something there and it's not benign. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think I am. I know I should be thinking positive thoughts and all that but I'm not. In fact, on the way to school I was thinking about if I died. I realize there is a very slight chance of that happening even if I am diagnosed with breast cancer, but the mom in me worries about leaving my children. We have plenty of life insurance on me. In fact, so much so that we could pay off our mortgage. That's no small feat here in California where housing prices are insanely high. Financially Todd and the girls would be fine. They would also get my social security check each month. We have great families and friends and an awesome church and school community who would be there for them.
Since I believe in life after death, reincarnation, spirits and souls I'm not afraid of dying, I'm just afraid of leaving my girls. But then I also think there is already a plan for me and them so whatever happens is part of the pre-conceived plan that we all chose before taking our bodies. In a way that makes me feel better.
Of course, all of this worrying could be unnecessary after what we learn today so I'll stop my crazy talk for now. I'll post the results of the appointment later today so stay tuned.
Oh, and when I walked into my building today the front desk gal said something she's never said to me before which was "Happy Thursday". It made me laugh. I'm not feeling happy today yet.
I have my follow-up mammogram today at 1pm. I'm nervous. I have butterflies in my stomach. My gut is telling me that there is something there and it's not benign. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think I am. I know I should be thinking positive thoughts and all that but I'm not. In fact, on the way to school I was thinking about if I died. I realize there is a very slight chance of that happening even if I am diagnosed with breast cancer, but the mom in me worries about leaving my children. We have plenty of life insurance on me. In fact, so much so that we could pay off our mortgage. That's no small feat here in California where housing prices are insanely high. Financially Todd and the girls would be fine. They would also get my social security check each month. We have great families and friends and an awesome church and school community who would be there for them.
Since I believe in life after death, reincarnation, spirits and souls I'm not afraid of dying, I'm just afraid of leaving my girls. But then I also think there is already a plan for me and them so whatever happens is part of the pre-conceived plan that we all chose before taking our bodies. In a way that makes me feel better.
Of course, all of this worrying could be unnecessary after what we learn today so I'll stop my crazy talk for now. I'll post the results of the appointment later today so stay tuned.
Oh, and when I walked into my building today the front desk gal said something she's never said to me before which was "Happy Thursday". It made me laugh. I'm not feeling happy today yet.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
My new phone
I’m connected again! Woohoo. During our last camping trip my phone, unbeknownst to me, got wet. It was behind the sink area in our trailer. We never got quite level so water from the sink ran down the counter. It apparently fried my phone. There was white powdery stuff inside the battery compartment. The phone kinda worked but couldn’t hold a charge. I was bumming. We replaced the batteries but that didn’t work. Finally, after a couple days of trying different things I told Todd I NEED A PHONE THAT WORKS.
I ordered a new one. I could have ordered a free phone since I needed to renew my service contract anyway, but that’s not how I do things. Why? I like the expensive stuff. I don’t even need to know the price of something. I automatically pick the most expensive. That’s my taste. I might not always buy it, but I pick it.
My broken phone was a Pink RAZR. I really liked how comfortable and light it felt. Pink is technically my 2nd favorite color next to green. Light green. Like celedon. Yes, celedon is a color. It was the color in my wedding. This time I ordered a Lavender RAZR. It’s SO pretty. I’m showing it off like it’s a piece of new jewelry to my cube mates. LOL I also thought that since they're both RAZR's that the accessories I had would work, including the new batteries we had. Nope. The new phone takes a different type of battery. Figures.
I don’t even use my cell phone all that much, but the fact that I didn’t have one TO USE, made me anxious.
I ordered a new one. I could have ordered a free phone since I needed to renew my service contract anyway, but that’s not how I do things. Why? I like the expensive stuff. I don’t even need to know the price of something. I automatically pick the most expensive. That’s my taste. I might not always buy it, but I pick it.
My broken phone was a Pink RAZR. I really liked how comfortable and light it felt. Pink is technically my 2nd favorite color next to green. Light green. Like celedon. Yes, celedon is a color. It was the color in my wedding. This time I ordered a Lavender RAZR. It’s SO pretty. I’m showing it off like it’s a piece of new jewelry to my cube mates. LOL I also thought that since they're both RAZR's that the accessories I had would work, including the new batteries we had. Nope. The new phone takes a different type of battery. Figures.
I don’t even use my cell phone all that much, but the fact that I didn’t have one TO USE, made me anxious.
Isn't it pretty? It's more metallic in real life.

Monday, August 25, 2008
First Day of School 2008
The girls were very excited today for their first day of school. We did a practice run with Shawna in her uniform yesterday so my parents could see her before they went home.
My kindergartner!
Sisters - 2nd Grader and Kindergartner
The parking lot was packed so I parked behind the gym.
We were late. What else is new.
Miss P
The entire kindy class following the teacher (can't see teacher) and all the proud parents. Shawna is the 3rd girl on the right side.
Shawna wasn't nervous AT ALL. Paula said she was a little nervous.
I'm so proud of my girls.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Boob update
The hospital called today. They want me to come in sooner for a re-check than the original 6 mos. They received the original Xray from 2006 which they used as a baseline. It's still not clear what they see, and her (the radiologist Dr) notes that she still thinks what she sees could be benign, but recommends being re-checked sooner than 6 mos just to make sure.
So I have an appt on August 28th. The good news is they'll check the Xray results while I'm there so if they think anything is "up" they'll talk to me at the appointment, rather than me having to go back later.
So I have an appt on August 28th. The good news is they'll check the Xray results while I'm there so if they think anything is "up" they'll talk to me at the appointment, rather than me having to go back later.
Monday, August 18, 2008
More Boob Squishing
Did anyone think this would be a kinky post??? Sorry to disappoint.
I had a mammogram last Thursday. I have to say that the hospital I went to I've been at many times. It's where I delivered both my girls. Only this is the first time I've been in their new Women's Center which is next door to the main hospital. OMG this place was like a SPA! No Lie. I guess that's the new trend to make the patients feel relaxed. They have the new digital x-ray machine which doesn't squish you like the older technology does. You also get to keep breathing which is nice!
I had my first mammogram 2 years ago on 4/21/06 in Redwood City. I did it after Todd's sister was diagnosed with breast cancer. She's fine now by the way. They had the older technology and when they told me not to move and not to breath I almost passed out. No lie. I had to sit down for awhile while she brought me water. They hate fainters. I should have a big sign on my head that says FAINTER. I'm fine if I'm laying down but that's not an option when you get your boobs squished.
2 years ago my results were negative. Mostly because as a first time mammo they use the first film as a base line, then there after they compare the films to see if there are any differences. They noted the denseness in my breasts and recommended routine follow-ups.
Now I'm 40 so the yearly mammo's begin. I have a new gynocologist. My OB who delivered my girls retired. I went to a new lady 2 years ago and she retired. I'm now with her office partner. I'd never met her until last month. She's a kick. She uses the word GROOVY alot. Belly dances for exercise. She's really a hip chick. She gave me an order to go across the street for my mammo. I went to my appt and dang this place is nice. They have dressing rooms like a major department store, lockers for your purse and belongings, a really nice lounge area with coffee, tea, etc. The entire place was like a spa. They even have a massage room.
I told the gal taking my info that I tend to faint. She made note. I mentioned to them that for a few years now my right breast makes me know it's there. It doesn't hurt, or have any lumps (to the touch). I can't stay it's a tingly sensation. I really have a hard time describing the feeling. In the end I told them to make special note of the right side. The tech came in and told me I wasn't allowed to faint. LOL She was nice actually and since I got to keep breathing and the new machine didn't squish my tiny A-long boobs I did fine. My friend Suzanne is a DD and says she apparently never feels pain during her mammos. They're just so big. That's her theory anyway. Well, I'm an A-Long now (used to be a perky B) so squishing hurts.
My gyno called today and said the lab wants me to go back in 6 months to check the right side. That there is a blemish which is most likely benign but they'll compare it in 6 mos and see if it's changing. She said in 20 years of all her patients that had follow-ups like this only 1 ever showed to be real cancer.
She also asked if my first film from 2006 was available. I told her the Redwood City lab was mailing it to the Women's Center. She said if they might cancel the 6 mos follow-up if the first film and this newest one show the same thing. But then the 2nd Xray was done via digital Xray and the first one I don't think was, so it might be hard to compare apples to apples.
I'm not scared. Of course I'm concerned but I'm not scared. I'm young, healthy and can kick ass to any foreign object in my body so we'll just see what happens.
I had a mammogram last Thursday. I have to say that the hospital I went to I've been at many times. It's where I delivered both my girls. Only this is the first time I've been in their new Women's Center which is next door to the main hospital. OMG this place was like a SPA! No Lie. I guess that's the new trend to make the patients feel relaxed. They have the new digital x-ray machine which doesn't squish you like the older technology does. You also get to keep breathing which is nice!
I had my first mammogram 2 years ago on 4/21/06 in Redwood City. I did it after Todd's sister was diagnosed with breast cancer. She's fine now by the way. They had the older technology and when they told me not to move and not to breath I almost passed out. No lie. I had to sit down for awhile while she brought me water. They hate fainters. I should have a big sign on my head that says FAINTER. I'm fine if I'm laying down but that's not an option when you get your boobs squished.
2 years ago my results were negative. Mostly because as a first time mammo they use the first film as a base line, then there after they compare the films to see if there are any differences. They noted the denseness in my breasts and recommended routine follow-ups.
Now I'm 40 so the yearly mammo's begin. I have a new gynocologist. My OB who delivered my girls retired. I went to a new lady 2 years ago and she retired. I'm now with her office partner. I'd never met her until last month. She's a kick. She uses the word GROOVY alot. Belly dances for exercise. She's really a hip chick. She gave me an order to go across the street for my mammo. I went to my appt and dang this place is nice. They have dressing rooms like a major department store, lockers for your purse and belongings, a really nice lounge area with coffee, tea, etc. The entire place was like a spa. They even have a massage room.
I told the gal taking my info that I tend to faint. She made note. I mentioned to them that for a few years now my right breast makes me know it's there. It doesn't hurt, or have any lumps (to the touch). I can't stay it's a tingly sensation. I really have a hard time describing the feeling. In the end I told them to make special note of the right side. The tech came in and told me I wasn't allowed to faint. LOL She was nice actually and since I got to keep breathing and the new machine didn't squish my tiny A-long boobs I did fine. My friend Suzanne is a DD and says she apparently never feels pain during her mammos. They're just so big. That's her theory anyway. Well, I'm an A-Long now (used to be a perky B) so squishing hurts.
My gyno called today and said the lab wants me to go back in 6 months to check the right side. That there is a blemish which is most likely benign but they'll compare it in 6 mos and see if it's changing. She said in 20 years of all her patients that had follow-ups like this only 1 ever showed to be real cancer.
She also asked if my first film from 2006 was available. I told her the Redwood City lab was mailing it to the Women's Center. She said if they might cancel the 6 mos follow-up if the first film and this newest one show the same thing. But then the 2nd Xray was done via digital Xray and the first one I don't think was, so it might be hard to compare apples to apples.
I'm not scared. Of course I'm concerned but I'm not scared. I'm young, healthy and can kick ass to any foreign object in my body so we'll just see what happens.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Texas Caviar Recipe
One of the blogs I've been frequenting lately, Nanny Goats in Panties , has popped over to my side and asked for more details on the Texas Caviar. I'm happy to oblige. :) I also want to point out that her goats on her home page were photographed in my backyard so to speak. I think that's also very cool.
I came across this recipe during a camping trip last year over Labor Day where we met a great family. Our girls all got along great so we hung out the entire time together. Linda, the mom, had this appetizer that I just LOVED and made her send me the recipe. This was my first time making it at our Rollins Lake trip and as I expected, everyone else loved it too.
Texas Caviar
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp pepper
3/4 cup apple cider vinegar
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup salad oil (I used vegetable oil)
Boil together the above ingredients until sugar is dissolved. Set aside.
Combine the following:
2 can black-eyed peas, rinsed and drained
1 can pinto beans, rinsed and drained
1 can black beans, rinsed and drained
1 can whole white corn, rinsed and drained (I used yellow corn and it was fine)
1 cup red or green bell pepper diced
1 small onion chopped
1-3 tablespoons jalapeno pepper chopped (I used 2 jalapeno peppers and removed all seeds)
Pour sauce over other ingredients. Refrigerate overnight. You can drain the sauce before serving if you want to.
Serve with tortilla chips or scoop chips. (I used scoop chips)
I've looked online and found many variances to this recipe. Some add pimento's and celery, others use green onions, others use the juice of the corn. I'm sure if you play around with this you can find YOUR perfect combination.
I came across this recipe during a camping trip last year over Labor Day where we met a great family. Our girls all got along great so we hung out the entire time together. Linda, the mom, had this appetizer that I just LOVED and made her send me the recipe. This was my first time making it at our Rollins Lake trip and as I expected, everyone else loved it too.
Texas Caviar
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp pepper
3/4 cup apple cider vinegar
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup salad oil (I used vegetable oil)
Boil together the above ingredients until sugar is dissolved. Set aside.
Combine the following:
2 can black-eyed peas, rinsed and drained
1 can pinto beans, rinsed and drained
1 can black beans, rinsed and drained
1 can whole white corn, rinsed and drained (I used yellow corn and it was fine)
1 cup red or green bell pepper diced
1 small onion chopped
1-3 tablespoons jalapeno pepper chopped (I used 2 jalapeno peppers and removed all seeds)
Pour sauce over other ingredients. Refrigerate overnight. You can drain the sauce before serving if you want to.
Serve with tortilla chips or scoop chips. (I used scoop chips)
I've looked online and found many variances to this recipe. Some add pimento's and celery, others use green onions, others use the juice of the corn. I'm sure if you play around with this you can find YOUR perfect combination.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Rollins Lake Camping
On Thursday my family and I left for Rollins Lake Greenhorn Campgrounds for a 5 day adventure. This trip had been planned for months. There were 5 families with us making it a total of 25 people. There were 11 children, mostly girls around the age of 7 & 8. We know these families from school and softball. One is from work and then our neighbors too.
A menu was planned with families in charge of certain food items. The goal being that we didn’t want to over pack. That didn’t work out. We had so much food we could have fed everyone in the entire campground.
We had great weather. The lake was low but not crazy low. I ended up towing our boat with my brothers 1996 Yukon with broken air conditioning. That was nice. (not). On the way up we hit traffic and in central California it’s hecka hot. I had to keep the windows down for air. Dang it was hot. It was 95 degrees during our travel so imagine sitting in that trapped in a car. I was proud of myself for towing the boat Todd towed the trailer w/the the girls and Rosie. No mishaps other than almost taking out Phil’s (my coworker whose family joined us) front right fender while turning into a parking spot . Thankfully Todd screamed at me really loud which made me stop the car.
Things to remember for next time:
1. Bring more tequila. The margaritas these people made were awesome.
2. Bring less food
3. Definitely make Texas caviar again. That was a hit.
4. Get the guys to shut up after quiet time so the “warden” doesn’t talk to us twice each night telling us to keep it down.
5. Expect muscles to ache A LOT after riding the wakeboard, ski and tubing for 5 days.
6. Make sure to ride on the tube with Dina again because I laughed the entire time while she was freaking out about dying.
7. Try not to let Rosie Shmosie loose in the dirt until (well, never) because white hair and camping dirt don’t mix. Not even after she leaps into the lake unprovoked.
8. Do not tell J.D., a grown man, names you dislike because he’ll make it a point to call you those names.
9. Remind Todd not to shine the 1000 watt light into Peppers face or he’ll get yelled at again.
10. Remind Todd to bring the night vision goggles again because everyone loved those.
11. Try to get Paula to be less bossy.
12. Try to get Paula to be less bossy.
13. Remember that Shawna likes to jump in the “deep end” of the lake with mommy and float by herself with her life jacket on because she’s such a big girl.
14. Figure out before hand how much each family owes and confirm with the campground the “real” rules as far as costs go.
15. Win the lottery before we go to afford all the gas and food.
A menu was planned with families in charge of certain food items. The goal being that we didn’t want to over pack. That didn’t work out. We had so much food we could have fed everyone in the entire campground.
We had great weather. The lake was low but not crazy low. I ended up towing our boat with my brothers 1996 Yukon with broken air conditioning. That was nice. (not). On the way up we hit traffic and in central California it’s hecka hot. I had to keep the windows down for air. Dang it was hot. It was 95 degrees during our travel so imagine sitting in that trapped in a car. I was proud of myself for towing the boat Todd towed the trailer w/the the girls and Rosie. No mishaps other than almost taking out Phil’s (my coworker whose family joined us) front right fender while turning into a parking spot . Thankfully Todd screamed at me really loud which made me stop the car.
Things to remember for next time:
1. Bring more tequila. The margaritas these people made were awesome.
2. Bring less food
3. Definitely make Texas caviar again. That was a hit.
4. Get the guys to shut up after quiet time so the “warden” doesn’t talk to us twice each night telling us to keep it down.
5. Expect muscles to ache A LOT after riding the wakeboard, ski and tubing for 5 days.
6. Make sure to ride on the tube with Dina again because I laughed the entire time while she was freaking out about dying.
7. Try not to let Rosie Shmosie loose in the dirt until (well, never) because white hair and camping dirt don’t mix. Not even after she leaps into the lake unprovoked.
8. Do not tell J.D., a grown man, names you dislike because he’ll make it a point to call you those names.
9. Remind Todd not to shine the 1000 watt light into Peppers face or he’ll get yelled at again.
10. Remind Todd to bring the night vision goggles again because everyone loved those.
11. Try to get Paula to be less bossy.
12. Try to get Paula to be less bossy.
13. Remember that Shawna likes to jump in the “deep end” of the lake with mommy and float by herself with her life jacket on because she’s such a big girl.
14. Figure out before hand how much each family owes and confirm with the campground the “real” rules as far as costs go.
15. Win the lottery before we go to afford all the gas and food.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Where is my personal assistant?
Reason 1 why I need a personal assistant:
Two days ago we ran out of milk. There was some left on Monday night and if the girls rationed it there would be enough for 2 nights. Todd planned on shopping today (Wed...yes, he does the grocery shopping...close your mouth) but I said I would run to the store to buy them milk tomorrow (yesterday) and allowed them to drink it all up.
I forgot to get milk. No one reminded me! You should have heard the whining from the girls. I did the unthinkable. I let them drink the chocolate soy milk we have for mornings and lunches. That was scary since chocolate at 7:30pm could have really backfired on me, but they did good.
Reason 2 why I need a personal assistant:
Last night was Neighborhood Gathering night or something like that. Your neighborhood is supposed to plan a gathering so everyone can meet, chat, gossip. You know. I received a phone call about it, and a newsletter. I forgot. I came home, changed into my jammies, washed my face, sent Todd up to bed since he's sick and then my friends call asking me where I am.
Reason 3 why I need a personal assistant:
Today was water Wednesday at Shawna's school. For 3 weeks now they've had water Wednesday and I've forgotten 2 of those 3 days. Today was one of them. The first time I forgot I ran back home and grabbed her stuff, but today I was on a tight schedule and couldn't go home. I actually hoped it would be too cold for them to play outside in water and the director told me she didn't think they'd do it, but still. I forgot!!!!
Today Todd asked if on the way home I'll pick up some ice for our camping trip. How much do you want to bet I'll forget? Huh? Who's in?
Two days ago we ran out of milk. There was some left on Monday night and if the girls rationed it there would be enough for 2 nights. Todd planned on shopping today (Wed...yes, he does the grocery shopping...close your mouth) but I said I would run to the store to buy them milk tomorrow (yesterday) and allowed them to drink it all up.
I forgot to get milk. No one reminded me! You should have heard the whining from the girls. I did the unthinkable. I let them drink the chocolate soy milk we have for mornings and lunches. That was scary since chocolate at 7:30pm could have really backfired on me, but they did good.
Reason 2 why I need a personal assistant:
Last night was Neighborhood Gathering night or something like that. Your neighborhood is supposed to plan a gathering so everyone can meet, chat, gossip. You know. I received a phone call about it, and a newsletter. I forgot. I came home, changed into my jammies, washed my face, sent Todd up to bed since he's sick and then my friends call asking me where I am.
Reason 3 why I need a personal assistant:
Today was water Wednesday at Shawna's school. For 3 weeks now they've had water Wednesday and I've forgotten 2 of those 3 days. Today was one of them. The first time I forgot I ran back home and grabbed her stuff, but today I was on a tight schedule and couldn't go home. I actually hoped it would be too cold for them to play outside in water and the director told me she didn't think they'd do it, but still. I forgot!!!!
Today Todd asked if on the way home I'll pick up some ice for our camping trip. How much do you want to bet I'll forget? Huh? Who's in?
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Swimsuit shopping
Shopping for a 7 year old girls swimsuit should not be as stressful as shopping for my own! It took me an hour to pick out 3 swimsuits for her.
First of all, I had to worry about whether the top of the suit will pucker enough to make her complain that her boob shows. Because she won't wear it in public if her boob is showing. Even a tiny bit showing. Seriously? You have boobs? You're only 7 years old. Let me see.
Then, according to her it really should be a 2-piece because she can go potty easier. I would agree, since she's not quite talented enough to move the crotch material over with her hand, pee, wipe, and put back in place. We're working on that.
Then, there aren't that many suits left! The ones that were available were either not her size, or were made of paper. Seriously, they were so thin I could see the ceiling lights thru the material. How long do you think those will last? 1 washing and they're toast. I need to get 2 kids worth out of these suits and my kids can trash suits like no ones business. We still have sand in the butts from our Maui trip in May. I've machine washed them many times but the sand does not come out. It's like the sand is glued into the material.
I walked out with 3. She liked them all, even the one which is a 1-piece. I told her to wear that for swim lessons, rather than camping. Of course the kids all pee in the lake so maybe it's a non-issue.
Glad that's done!
First of all, I had to worry about whether the top of the suit will pucker enough to make her complain that her boob shows. Because she won't wear it in public if her boob is showing. Even a tiny bit showing. Seriously? You have boobs? You're only 7 years old. Let me see.
Then, according to her it really should be a 2-piece because she can go potty easier. I would agree, since she's not quite talented enough to move the crotch material over with her hand, pee, wipe, and put back in place. We're working on that.
Then, there aren't that many suits left! The ones that were available were either not her size, or were made of paper. Seriously, they were so thin I could see the ceiling lights thru the material. How long do you think those will last? 1 washing and they're toast. I need to get 2 kids worth out of these suits and my kids can trash suits like no ones business. We still have sand in the butts from our Maui trip in May. I've machine washed them many times but the sand does not come out. It's like the sand is glued into the material.
I walked out with 3. She liked them all, even the one which is a 1-piece. I told her to wear that for swim lessons, rather than camping. Of course the kids all pee in the lake so maybe it's a non-issue.
Glad that's done!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Weekend Vignettes
Weekend Vignettes:
This weekend we had some friends over who we're camping with this weekend. They have a 11 year old son and 7 year old daughter who is in Paula's class.
The boy comes into the kitchen where his mom and I are talking and says:
Boy: Shawna just showed me her butt. She told me to hold my nose, then she pulled down her shorts.
Me: roll my eyes
In walks Shawna with a HUGE smile on her face.
Me: Shawna, I know you're going to live in a nudist colony some day but we do not show our butts to anyone do we?
Shawna: No
Me: What happened when you showed your butt to your classmate in preschool?
Shawna: Got in trouble
Me: Yes, so say you're sorry to (boy).
Shawna: Sorry
Some of the pants/shorts Paula owns have very difficult button enclosures. She has to check to see if she can easily work them, and if not, if she can pull them down her hips to go potty. I've even gotten to the point where I've removed the original button and replaced it with smaller ones so she can work them better. Sometimes we'll just leave it unbottoned and she'll wear a belt over it.
Paula is in my bedroom getting dressed as well as Shawna. I'm helping Shawna.
Paula: I can't get this buttoned! Ugh!
Me: Here, let me help you. I walk over and button it for her.
Paula: Checks to see if she can pull shorts down while it's buttoned. It doesn't go down.
Me: Okay fine. I go back over and unbutton it for her thinking she'll wear a belt today instead.
Paula: NO! I need to do it myself! You're SO not on my page.
Me: Staring at her because I can't believe my 7 year old just said that to me. How old is she??? Your right. I guess I'm not on your page. smiling
This weekend we had some friends over who we're camping with this weekend. They have a 11 year old son and 7 year old daughter who is in Paula's class.
The boy comes into the kitchen where his mom and I are talking and says:
Boy: Shawna just showed me her butt. She told me to hold my nose, then she pulled down her shorts.
Me: roll my eyes
In walks Shawna with a HUGE smile on her face.
Me: Shawna, I know you're going to live in a nudist colony some day but we do not show our butts to anyone do we?
Shawna: No
Me: What happened when you showed your butt to your classmate in preschool?
Shawna: Got in trouble
Me: Yes, so say you're sorry to (boy).
Shawna: Sorry
Some of the pants/shorts Paula owns have very difficult button enclosures. She has to check to see if she can easily work them, and if not, if she can pull them down her hips to go potty. I've even gotten to the point where I've removed the original button and replaced it with smaller ones so she can work them better. Sometimes we'll just leave it unbottoned and she'll wear a belt over it.
Paula is in my bedroom getting dressed as well as Shawna. I'm helping Shawna.
Paula: I can't get this buttoned! Ugh!
Me: Here, let me help you. I walk over and button it for her.
Paula: Checks to see if she can pull shorts down while it's buttoned. It doesn't go down.
Me: Okay fine. I go back over and unbutton it for her thinking she'll wear a belt today instead.
Paula: NO! I need to do it myself! You're SO not on my page.
Me: Staring at her because I can't believe my 7 year old just said that to me. How old is she??? Your right. I guess I'm not on your page. smiling
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