Thursday, May 28, 2009
Things the kids say
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
This weekend was like a perpetual party. I have a headache over my left eye that refuses to go away even on Codiene! My thoughts today are random. Not too unusual if you're a regular reader. Speaking of, how and why are people following me on Twitter?? I suck at Twitter. I don't think I totally understand how it all works. I'm so sorry to any of you who added me. You'll leave soon I'm sure.
Okay, on to my weekend.
One of the hosts to an adult party we attended Saturday night actually made me a drink with everclear. Everclear people!!! I didn't even know that shit still exists! Everclear, for the non-drinking folks, is a 151 proof, clear, no taste alcohol that is illegal. He called the drink a Cheryl Temple. It tasted really good actually. Thankfully I gave half of my drink away and survived.
We still have "rental dog". She's had diarrhea almost since day one so on Friday she had to go to the vet for an exam and stay overnight. She needs to be fixed before she can legally go home to a permanent family, but until she's healthy for a longer period of time we need to wait. The foster place pays for everything. Not one penny has left my purse.
My sister-in-law came over yesterday with Baby Allison and brought their vizsla who is a year old. Evie, rental dog, barked at her like crazy. My 2 year old dog, Rosie, who was previously scared shitless of the vizsla and drooled for hours during and after their first meeting, was very relaxed since Evie was all tough. Funny dogs. I also got tons of baby luvin' from my sweet niece. She's smiling and cooing now. SO DAMN CUTE!!! My brother had to work (police officer) so I bribed Jen with dinner so I could have Allie time. I'm nice like that.
I'm on the last book of the vampire Twilight Series . I was up until midnight reading and had to force myself to go to bed. It didn't help that I slept in until 11am almost all weekend due to late night partying. I'm so tired today. *yawn*.
I suck as a daughter. My moms birthday was on Saturday but I forgot. I called her yesterday. I didn't send a card either. Don't send me cards and please do not expect cards from me. I think cards are a great idea if you're organized and into all that, and I do appreciate receiving them, but I feel guilt over not sending them so stop sending me cards! I suck at thank you cards too. I'm better at thank you emails. I appreciate all you freaky organized people out there but I'm not one of you.
Look, this is me. I had to call my home number today from work to leave a message on my home voicemail to remind myself that tomorrow Paula needs to wear something "Anne Frank-ish" for her oral book report and that Shawna has her teddy bear picnic tomorrow so she needs to go to school w/a teddy bear. Does that guarantee I'll remember? Nope. If it's not plastered to my forehead I can still forget. It's fun to be me.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Just an update

Friday, May 15, 2009
Germ germ go away....
People, I work full-time. Read that again. Full-time!!! How many days off do you think I get a year? Even if I had endless days off, which I don't, I do not like to spend my days home with a sick child. And the worst? A child who is border-line sick. You know how that goes. They're too sick to go to school but not sick enough to be a zombie in front of the TV so instead they demand your time, energy & entertainment.
Totally annoying. ANNOYING.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I say Tomato, you say Tomato
Their website, Baia Nicchia, has some great tips, especially if you live in the San Francisco Bay Area. I've copied the below info on tomatoes off their site because, well, I learned something new so I thought maybe you could too.
32 things that might be true about tomatoes and tomato growing
1. Never, ever refrigerate tomatoes
2. Small-fruited tomatoes perform better in cool weather
3. Small-fruited tomatoes perform better in containers
4. Check the soil beneath tomatoes every morning
5. For container grown plants, water daily when soil is dry
at surface in the morning.
6. Grow plants in the ground when possible
7. For plants in the ground, water consistently as plants get established, and then water deeply, only when the soil is dry 3 inches below the surface, or when the plants begin to wilt
8. Once fruits begin to ripen, water less, if you can do so without killing your plants
9. Over watering at the soil surface promotes disease and algal growth (associated flies & pests)
10. Over watering leads to mealy, watery tomatoes. It is impossible not to “over water” tomato plants in containers
11. Pick large tomatoes before they are completely ripe, and let them ripen in a bowl with other tomatoes or fruits – they will ripen more evenly, and you can see when they get perfectly ripe
12. Never, ever refrigerate tomatoes
13. Tomatoes can ripened more slowly between 55 and 65 degrees (and spread out)
14. Tomatoes can be ripened rapidly between 75 and 85 degrees (with other tomatoes)
15. You can’t save money growing tomatoes in containers
16. You might be able to save money growing plants in the ground
17. Never, ever refrigerate tomatoes
18. Don’t wash tomatoes after you pick them. Wash them right before you use them
19. There are no “red” tomato pigments. Red tomatoes have pink, orange and other pigments
20. Throw out diseased plants immediately. UC Davis has a good website for recognizing tomato diseases
21. It is normal for older tomato plants to have drying, “burnt” leaves. The young shoots should look vigorous
22. You can decapitate your tomato plants. It is often advised when growing in containers
23. Trimming the leaves near the soil surface can reduce disease risk
24. The most common tomato diseases are fungal, and prolonged damp/wet periods promote them
25. Lousy soil will give you lousy tomatoes
26. Fox Farm “Ocean and Forest” potting soil is the best we have found
27. Over-fertilizing with nitrogen reduces harvest
28. Never, ever refrigerate tomatoes (obviously this is a sticking point with them)
29. Local field-grown tomatoes are in the market mainly from August to October.
30. If you want to know when locally grown tomatoes with the best flavor are available, shop at the farmers’ market
31. Tomatoes are tropical plants
32. Good sources for seeds – Seed Saver’s Exchange, Seeds of Change, Tomato Grower’s Supply
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Pinecrest Weekend
Commentary on the above photo:
Johna (wife to Steve, husband on left): ROFL...I was going to make a comment, but I just can't stop laughing at just the mere site of these two....I don't know why!
Sandra: I think Steve is yawning. :0)
Johna: Oh, I'm sure of it.
Johna: I don't know whether to call them Cheech and Chong, Beavis and Butthead or Lucy and Ricky.... LOL
Sandra: Which one is Lucy??
Allison: (Wife to JD, husband on Right) JD is Lucy!! JD is Lucy!!
JD: Honestly, Steve and I more than hold our own against some of the other famous duos in the world. We’re just continuing the legacy! (proceeds to send photos of famous dou's like Starskey and Hutch, Luke & Laura, Cagney & Lacey, etc.
Steve: That’s right, We could be a famous detective team..... Bad Butt & Big Mouth, kicking A$$ all over the sierras with Fez hats. We could kick the sh!t out of law breaking Pinecrest locals. We could drive around in a beat up Montero with a clutch that goes out.
*You had to be there to really enjoy the humor.
View of the lake while on our hike. The hike around Pinecrest is 4 miles. It's not difficult at all.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Camping in a trailer
Both of my daughters have camped since infancy. Paula was 5.5 mos old sleeping in a tent with me, and Shawna camped when she was 6 months old. We have a Taj Mahal tent we purchased from Costco that we have used many many times and continue to loan out to friends. But here is what happened. My in-laws have a 1985 RV that in the early '00's Todd and I decided was old enough to ask to borrow. Our kids were small the first time we borrowed it. Shawna was only 3 months old I think so that would make Paula 2 yrs old. Having a microwave, bathroom, protection from the heat, and sound proof compared to a tent was awesome!
Over the next 2 years we borrowed it a lot. We even took it to Disneyland. The downfall was that the work involved with using it was tiring. Todd would have to drive over the bay (they live on one side and we live on the other side), leave his truck there, bring home the RV. Once home we had to clean it. I like his parents and all but they're not the cleanest people. So, we had to take all their stuff out (clothes, weird freaky stuff they collected) and put our stuff in. They're RV is 28 feet long and designed really for 2 people. Not a family with kids. We also had to worry about their couches, cover everything and keep the rugs covered with throw rugs. After we came home we had to clean the RV again inside and out. Take all our stuff out, put all their stuff back in, drive it back to their house over the bay and come home with the truck so he had a car for work. Tiring!!!
They loved when we borrowed the RV. Why?? Because it always came home cleaner than when they gave it to us, plus we returned it with a full tank of gas. Not only that but Todd was also required to do maintenance on it for his father. Todd didn't mind helping out his dad but it was just one more thing to do. They were so disappointed when we got the trailer.
A couple summers ago we talked it over, researched every RV, trailer, camper around and decided to purchase a used travel trailer. We got a great deal on it because it was the last day of the RV show. We purchased a 2004 Keystone Sprinter trailer. I love it. The trailer is large (30 feet long), modern and has all the important conveniences like a slide which gives us 3 feet more room inside. Basically the dining area and couch slide out. My girls sleep in bunk beds. We have a sofa sleeper and the dining set folds into a bed too, but I don't have to do any of that because we have bunk beds and a queen size bed.

The fridge/freezer and bunk beds. That door leads to the bathroom. The bunk beds can hold 300 lbs each. And under the bottom one is tons of storage with access from the outside.

Kitchen, couch to the left, the TV sits in that open spot, and the bedroom is to the back.

View from the front door. Dining area & bathroom. You can see more storage above & below the dining set.

This is us at Mt. Madonna in the Gilroy, CA area. That's me in the pink shirt.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Use a tissue already!!!!!
Monday, May 4, 2009
First Communion
Our priest is a really fun Irish priest. He's from Ireland and has that awesome accent you could listen to forever. He's great with the kids. He insists on funny pictures.