Standing near the door of the classroom was another 6 year old girl who was crying. I asked her what was wrong. She said she was new to the school, had just moved here from Michigan and she was scared.
I quickly tried to make her feel better. By the time we entered the classroom she was no longer crying.
We became best friends that day. Her name was Nik. She lived with her mother and father. Her mother had been married previously so Nik had 2 half siblings who lived with their father back in Michigan. She was her father's only child so he doted and spoiled her.
The first several years they lived in a townhouse complex we called "Regency". Her complex included a pool and a hot tub. I was so jealous. I didn't live in Regency. I lived in a modest 1700 sq ft house down the street from Regency and we did not have a pool or a hot tub. We only had 1 car too, which was an old Buick that overheated. Nik's parents both worked and had two cars. Her mother drove a Ford Mustang and her father had a Cadillac. Later her mom purchased white Stingray Corvette similar to this one. When we went places Nik and I would take turns laying in the back section. This was at a time long before seat belts were mandated.
My parents still had the same Buick that overheated. #carenvy
Since Nik was an only child I spent lots of time with her and her parents. I'd often go out to dinner with them, which I loved. My parents rarely went out to dinner. We'd have sleepovers at each others house. We were tight as thieves for a couple years.
Nik vacationed in Hawaii with her parents.
My parents took my brother and I to my Grandparents house in Folsom, CA. #vacationenvy
At age 9 we both started swimming on swim teams. I wanted to be on the same swim team as Nik, but my parents had joined a swim and raquet club that had a swim team, so I had to be on that team. Nik team was much larger and a more prestigious swim team than mine. After a year I quit. She went on to swim in college and the Jr Olympics. #swimenvy
One day we were sitting in our classroom in 6th grade when the office secretary came on via the intercom system to verify if Nik was in fact in the classroom. "Mr. Anderson, is Nik XXX in class today?". Yes, he replied. We all looked over at Nik. 10 minutes later the same thing. "Mr. Anderson, are you sure Nik XXX is in class?" In unison the entire class chanted YES. We all looked over at Nik again. Awkward. At the end of that day mom was there to meet us, which was unusual. Nik had after school care over the years but my mom wasn't one of them. In 6th grade I believe Nik just walked home on her own, but on this day my mom was asked to come get her because apparently, someone called one of her parents that morning saying they had kidnapped Nik. They were able to describe her clothing from that day, and said they wanted a ransom. Thankfully nothing bad happened and it was totally false.
I had a 15 lb cockapoo. #dogenvy
When Nik was younger her dad promised her a Camero when she turned 16. I remember him telling her this promise. Her dad stayed true to his promise. Not only did she get a Camero, but he gave her a Camera with T-Tops.
Do you know what I drove when I was 16? A 1972 Datsun that belonged to my father. Remember those cars people? No, well alrightythen. # carenvy
Over the years we lost touch, but thanks to the social networking we all know and love, we reconnected many years ago. I attended her daughters 1st birthday while she was pregnant with her 2nd. I got to see her parents again after SO many years.
Sadly, a few months after the party her dad died suddenly of a heart attack. She was so close to her father. I mean, really really close. His loss devastated her.
Like many of us, her adult life isn't what she'd hoped it would be. Her marriage is rocky. They separated, he moved out. They're working it out and may get back together. Her father is gone. Her mother lives with her but not out of choice.
This person who I envied all through childhood no longer has a life I envy. My life isn't all that great mind you. On any given day my marriage is rocky too. But the big change from childhood to adulthood is she no longer has something I want. I love and adore her and certainly wish the best for her. I'm just happy to say I no longer Envy Her.
I think I turned out okay on my own.