So this cool gal Pinki left me a comment saying she likes my blog so she’s giving me an award. An award?! Me?! Awe, you shouldn’t have. I’ve never received an award before. Well, not since school. Okay, I did receive a Hot Potato award at work once for organizing a sort night at our local food bank. We sorted and boxed 4500 pounds of potatoes. Seriously. But that was years ago. So of course immediately RAN to Pinki’s blog to see what was up. What could this award be? I quickly learned that Pinki has a really cool blog herself. Check her out!
This is what my award means.
This is what my award means.

“This blog invests and believes, in ‘proximity’ [meaning, that blogging makes us 'close' - being close through proxy] "They are all charming blogs, and the majority of them aim to show the marvels of friendship; there are persons who are not interested when we give them a prize, and then they help to cut these bows; do we want that they are cut, or that they propagate?"
Then let’s try to give more attention to them! So with this prize we must deliver it to eight bloggers that in turn must make the same thing and put this text.
Since this award goes to people who are charming, unselfish, and I want to give them more attention, I pass on this award to these eight bloggers. Some are my fave blogs that I check daily, others are newer that I just discovered.
Twenty Four At Heart
Lynns Life Online
Texas Word Tangle
Fingerprints Left Behind
So Many Smiles
Parenting Pink
Nana's Box
Nanny Goats In Panties
So please visit these cool blogs and of course Pinki since she’s the amazing gal that passed this terrific award on.
What a wonderful award! Thank you so much for passing it my way! I feel honored to receive it!
I'll be sure to pass it on to some very deserving blogs and women!
Thanks! (((HUGS)))
Oh, thank you so much! I'll have to make my grand acceptance speech next week :-) Btw, love your blog too - though I guess I'm partial to bloggers with girls :-)
Have a great weekend!
Thank you for the award! I've added it to my awards link on my page ;)
Holy Frijole, Chica! Moochass GrassyAss! You are too kind!
Just stopping in from SITS... "Your Girls" are adorable!
What a nice award! And it's gorgeous, too.
Thank you Sandra! It's nice to know there's people out there interested in what I have to say! Hope to see come by often!
Thank you sooooooo much! I'm up in Santa Barbara this weekend. It's so beautiful here!! I thought I'd get all caught up on computer stuff here, but instead I've been spending every minute out by the beach. (Shocking, isn't it?!)
Many, many, thanks for thinking of me with the award!! :)
Hey, I gave you an award!!! Just passing on the love!
Thank you, Sandra, that;s so sweet of you.
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