I really did intend to update about my part-time job but I'm too swamped at work. I work in the corporate retail world so with retailers filing bankruptcy or not paying their bills timely my work life (which is when I update this thing!) is extremely hectic. I barely have time to pee!!!
Add to that my night job and I'm MIA.
Some highlights from the week:
1. Shawna started soccer practice yesterday. She really likes it. According to her dribbling was her favorite part. haha The grass was soppy wet from all our rain which was another crowd pleas er (this is how blogger's spell check wants to spell this...???).
2. Sadly one of my neighbors dogs passed away this week. (Susie and Dina) They have 4 Pomeranian. The father, Mook Da Moo ,died suddenly. He was coughing and just couldn't get enough air. They rushed him to pet emergency but died en route. He might have even had a heart attack. Mook was a tad bit over weight (read a lot!) because of his love of food. He was my favorite. He did a cute little twirl turn when you'd pull out snacks.
3. I had my 6 months follow-up mammogram yesterday. The tech was only going to take 2 films, but then decided to take 3 because of something she saw. I haven't received a "come back fast" call so I'm hoping it's all good. My doctor will get the results early next week. Send me good luck vibes!
4. Yesterday I found one of my past roommates on Facebook. Danielle was an awesome roommate. In the course of 4 years I had 7 different roommates. We had a 4 bedroom townhouse so girls would rotate out and in for various reasons. I was the only original roomy left when the owners choose to sell. She had the best wardrobe. Sadly she was several inches taller than me but I did borrow some things. She also had the best VCR movie collection. That was a big deal then especially when we were all broke. She's living in San Diego now and married. I'm sooo happy for her. Marriage was really something she wanted but could never find. Now I have 4 friends to visit in San Diego when I go. Jeannie, Danielle, Terry and 24. I'm thinking I just need to ditch the family & plan a solo visit.
5. Paula got busted for peeking in the boys bathroom at school on Monday. The principal told me on Monday night at a 1st communion parent meeting. At first she said "I wanted to let you know I caught your daughter looking in the boys bathroom. Me: "Which daughter?" I mean, come on! If you've been keeping up you know it could easily be Shawna or Paula. She looked at me sideways and said "Paula". Paula's response to the principal was "I didn't go IN. My feet are outside the line". I asked Paula about it and apparently she was playing chase and Sal (who once told me he wasn't Sal during Yard Duty ) ran into the bathroom. "He cheats. He does that a lot." I felt relief. I'm glad she's not a peeping Tom. haha
6. Tonight the girls are at a sleepover with Katie and Christina. Christina and Shawna look like sisters. We're attending a surprise party for our old neighbor Jerry. The mom watching them wants the girls to stay there tomorrow for a play date so the girls are going to a funeral tomorrow with this family for an hour for one of their elderly neighbors who died. I asked the girls if they were okay going and Paula's response was "Yeah! I've never been to a funeral before!". I told them what they could expect at the funeral. I think they'll be okay. Paula is such a worrier and death really concerns her.
7. Shawna has so far lost and forgotten her glasses twice this week. They were lost under a pillow in my room. You know, so she could roll around on my bed without damaging them. Todd located them last night. But then today they were in her room on her dresser so we forgot them at school. Now our motto is "On your face or in the case." helpme
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Fun Busy
Two posts in one week! Say it isn’t so.
So I haven’t really explained too much about my job. I’ll post about that tomorrow.
I’m extremely tired today. I’m working 12 hours a day right now, which is fine, except I’m up at 6am and going to bed at midnight. I need more than 6 hours of sleep. Todd can live on that, but I need 8 hours on a regular basis.
Back in my college days (which lasted 13 years btw) I could easily work multiple jobs, and did. I worked my part-time morning job from 8-noon, then I’d go to school. At night and weekends I worked at a ski shop. For awhile instead of the ski shop I worked for my moms company. I did data entry stuff. Also at that time I was dating a guy whose brother dated a gal who worked at the Shoreline Amphitheater in Mt. View. I started working as a +1 with her as an usher for concerts helping people find their seats. I got to pick my concerts. For FREE w/complimentary dinner I got to see Brooks & Dunn, the Eagles, Bette Midler, Phil Collins, Janet Jackson and a few others. I loved it. I loved being busy. There is fun busy and not so fun busy. I was doing the fun busy.
Well, now I’m married with children so being busy outside the home means things fall apart in the home. Todd is very good at being Mr. Mom. He cooks, cleans, grocery shops. What he doesn’t do is mine and the girl’s laundry (he’s in charge of his own). I’m also the one who manages the school events like field trips, paying tuition, treat money, etc. This week so far, I forgot yesterday was Shawna’s share day. I’m all messed up because of Presidents Day being Monday so I was home. My brain thinks today is Wednesday.
Wednesday is when our school family envelope comes home. Last night at 11pm I was paying for after school science camp, crab feed tickets and reading through pages of flyers.
A parent called me 2 nights ago leaving a message on our machine because at the beginning of the year I signed up to help at the Father/Daughter dance next month. I was too lazy to write her info down. I don’t know if I can help out. When will I do that?!
So I haven’t really explained too much about my job. I’ll post about that tomorrow.
I’m extremely tired today. I’m working 12 hours a day right now, which is fine, except I’m up at 6am and going to bed at midnight. I need more than 6 hours of sleep. Todd can live on that, but I need 8 hours on a regular basis.
Back in my college days (which lasted 13 years btw) I could easily work multiple jobs, and did. I worked my part-time morning job from 8-noon, then I’d go to school. At night and weekends I worked at a ski shop. For awhile instead of the ski shop I worked for my moms company. I did data entry stuff. Also at that time I was dating a guy whose brother dated a gal who worked at the Shoreline Amphitheater in Mt. View. I started working as a +1 with her as an usher for concerts helping people find their seats. I got to pick my concerts. For FREE w/complimentary dinner I got to see Brooks & Dunn, the Eagles, Bette Midler, Phil Collins, Janet Jackson and a few others. I loved it. I loved being busy. There is fun busy and not so fun busy. I was doing the fun busy.
Well, now I’m married with children so being busy outside the home means things fall apart in the home. Todd is very good at being Mr. Mom. He cooks, cleans, grocery shops. What he doesn’t do is mine and the girl’s laundry (he’s in charge of his own). I’m also the one who manages the school events like field trips, paying tuition, treat money, etc. This week so far, I forgot yesterday was Shawna’s share day. I’m all messed up because of Presidents Day being Monday so I was home. My brain thinks today is Wednesday.
Wednesday is when our school family envelope comes home. Last night at 11pm I was paying for after school science camp, crab feed tickets and reading through pages of flyers.
A parent called me 2 nights ago leaving a message on our machine because at the beginning of the year I signed up to help at the Father/Daughter dance next month. I was too lazy to write her info down. I don’t know if I can help out. When will I do that?!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Presidents Day Weekend summary
Who has time to post on a blog when there is Facebook to peruse?! This will be a quickie.
This past weekend was very wet. Yay! I know there are those of you who dislike rain, but I'm a Lake girl. If I had to pick between a lake and ocean I'd pick a lake. I enjoy the ocean, but in my old age I like the scenery of a lake better.
We cancelled our camping trip due to rain and instead stayed home. Saturday I attended a meeting for a new job opportunity I'm examining. I made a nice Valentines dinner for us which included pink mashed potatoes. Todd and the girls brought me flowers.
I took the girls to get their ears pierced on Sunday. There were some tears but they quickly dried up. They'd both been asking for them. Paula chickened out a year ago or so but not this time. They look really cute.
We had friends over on Sunday night, than their daughter stayed the night. A lot of tequila got consumed. Not by me though! Todd took the girls bumper bowling on Monday and also rode bikes when it wasn't raining. I stayed at home and counted Box Tops for a few hours.
Today I attended a field trip to Petco with Shawna's kindergarten class. Half the class actually. Todd and I call Petco the "poor man's zoo" which basically it is! There were 2 associates who gave us a "tour" and let the kids touch a guinea pig, bird and pass a frog around in a Tupperware type container. The frog peed in the container. Guess which part of the trip was their favorite. Yep, the frog peeing. LOL
My Grandma turns 93 pm Friday. I need to remember to send her flowers. I'm busy with my new part-time job. I'll talk more about it at another time.
OH! Our tenant, Megan, who rents the apartment over our garage called and said she lost her job. She's found an part-time job but can only pay half the rent on the 1st and the rest 2 weeks later. We're agreeing to this arrangement so I typed something up I found on the Internet so we're both covered. We like Megan. I'd hate to lose her but at this point we need her rent with Todd's salary chopped due to lack of overtime.
This past weekend was very wet. Yay! I know there are those of you who dislike rain, but I'm a Lake girl. If I had to pick between a lake and ocean I'd pick a lake. I enjoy the ocean, but in my old age I like the scenery of a lake better.
We cancelled our camping trip due to rain and instead stayed home. Saturday I attended a meeting for a new job opportunity I'm examining. I made a nice Valentines dinner for us which included pink mashed potatoes. Todd and the girls brought me flowers.
I took the girls to get their ears pierced on Sunday. There were some tears but they quickly dried up. They'd both been asking for them. Paula chickened out a year ago or so but not this time. They look really cute.
We had friends over on Sunday night, than their daughter stayed the night. A lot of tequila got consumed. Not by me though! Todd took the girls bumper bowling on Monday and also rode bikes when it wasn't raining. I stayed at home and counted Box Tops for a few hours.
Today I attended a field trip to Petco with Shawna's kindergarten class. Half the class actually. Todd and I call Petco the "poor man's zoo" which basically it is! There were 2 associates who gave us a "tour" and let the kids touch a guinea pig, bird and pass a frog around in a Tupperware type container. The frog peed in the container. Guess which part of the trip was their favorite. Yep, the frog peeing. LOL
My Grandma turns 93 pm Friday. I need to remember to send her flowers. I'm busy with my new part-time job. I'll talk more about it at another time.
OH! Our tenant, Megan, who rents the apartment over our garage called and said she lost her job. She's found an part-time job but can only pay half the rent on the 1st and the rest 2 weeks later. We're agreeing to this arrangement so I typed something up I found on the Internet so we're both covered. We like Megan. I'd hate to lose her but at this point we need her rent with Todd's salary chopped due to lack of overtime.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
25 things about me
I posted this in Facebook so I figured I'd put it here too.
25 things about me:
1. Mashed potatoes are my all time favorite food on the plant, after chocolate of course.
2. When I was 20 years old I went hang gliding. It was amazing!
3. At age 5 my parents, baby brother and I were forced to stop our car & held up at gun point on Lawrence Expressway near Johnson Ave. The guy stole our car. The event was in the newspaper so I brought the article clipping to kindergarten for share day.
4. At age 6 I was almost kidnapped by a man in the Dilworth bus parking lot on a weekend day. He “showed” himself to me while in the front seat of his car after he'd talked to me so nicely I got inside of his car. My dad car chased the guy through Saratoga but lost him. Cops came to our house to make a report but he was never caught. Even now I see people who look like him but I’m never scared.
5. I adore nuns.
6. My favorite color is pink.
7. I’m spiritual, but not really religious.
8. I believe in angels, reincarnation, young and old souls, and ghosts.
9. My children attend a Catholic school.
10. I don’t mind snakes, lizards, and other reptiles. We even have a gopher snake named Snake. Spiders should live on another planet.
11. In high school I played field hockey and track & field. I grew up playing softball but opted not to continue when I learned I’d have to learn to slide in high school softball. I was afraid of sliding. I played adult co-ed softball for the SanDisk softball team at Twin Creeks but not for a couple years now.
12. It took me 5 years to get an AA and another 6 years to get my BS degree in business. Lack of enthusiasm was the general cause of delay.
13. I’ve known my husband since our junior year in high school. Late in our senior year and going forward we dated each other, as well as other people, on and off for several years. He eventually met and a married someone else in 1992. I never talked to him during those years, but his friends once told me he didn’t seem all that happy. In 1995 they separated. I had a “psychic” feeling for 2 weeks they’d ended so I called his mom and she confirmed. I sent him a Xmas card with my phone number. He called. He asked if someone put me up to contacting him because he’d been thinking about me for 2 weeks. We have been together ever since.
14. I wish I could read and play a musical instrument.
15. I can touch my nose with my tongue. (so can my youngest mini-me child)
16. I have bi-lateral knee caps. In my younger years they didn’t cause me problems, but now many activities having to do with sports or exercise cause me pain. When I go up stairs anyone around can hear my knees crack.
17. At De Anza College while getting my AA I took weight lifting classes. I was able to bench press my weight (125) and leg press double my weight. I can’t do that now!!
18. I’ve ridden in the back of a cop car. In our freshman year in high school Debbie Sheets and I were both taken to my house for getting caught drinking at age 14/15 in Regency Townhouse Complex at the pool. The cop also didn’t believe our last names were Coker & Sheets so we had to prove it by showing him our ASB cards!
19. I had gestational diabetes with both pregnancies. I actually required insulin for a month w/Shawna. I gave myself the shots in my stomach 4 times a day.
20. Sami the Psychic told me I was a Pioneer in my past life during the hardest of times. It explains why I hate manual labor. LOL
21. I’m a very quick reader. I can finish a 600+ page novel in 2 days.
22. I enjoy listening to certain types of books on CD. Generally non-fiction books narrated by the author.
23. My first job was at Kentucky Fried Chicken.
24. My parents have been married for 43 years, they still play tennis. My dad also golf’s.
25. If I could choose one super power I’d want to be able to fly.
25 things about me:
1. Mashed potatoes are my all time favorite food on the plant, after chocolate of course.
2. When I was 20 years old I went hang gliding. It was amazing!
3. At age 5 my parents, baby brother and I were forced to stop our car & held up at gun point on Lawrence Expressway near Johnson Ave. The guy stole our car. The event was in the newspaper so I brought the article clipping to kindergarten for share day.
4. At age 6 I was almost kidnapped by a man in the Dilworth bus parking lot on a weekend day. He “showed” himself to me while in the front seat of his car after he'd talked to me so nicely I got inside of his car. My dad car chased the guy through Saratoga but lost him. Cops came to our house to make a report but he was never caught. Even now I see people who look like him but I’m never scared.
5. I adore nuns.
6. My favorite color is pink.
7. I’m spiritual, but not really religious.
8. I believe in angels, reincarnation, young and old souls, and ghosts.
9. My children attend a Catholic school.
10. I don’t mind snakes, lizards, and other reptiles. We even have a gopher snake named Snake. Spiders should live on another planet.
11. In high school I played field hockey and track & field. I grew up playing softball but opted not to continue when I learned I’d have to learn to slide in high school softball. I was afraid of sliding. I played adult co-ed softball for the SanDisk softball team at Twin Creeks but not for a couple years now.
12. It took me 5 years to get an AA and another 6 years to get my BS degree in business. Lack of enthusiasm was the general cause of delay.
13. I’ve known my husband since our junior year in high school. Late in our senior year and going forward we dated each other, as well as other people, on and off for several years. He eventually met and a married someone else in 1992. I never talked to him during those years, but his friends once told me he didn’t seem all that happy. In 1995 they separated. I had a “psychic” feeling for 2 weeks they’d ended so I called his mom and she confirmed. I sent him a Xmas card with my phone number. He called. He asked if someone put me up to contacting him because he’d been thinking about me for 2 weeks. We have been together ever since.
14. I wish I could read and play a musical instrument.
15. I can touch my nose with my tongue. (so can my youngest mini-me child)
16. I have bi-lateral knee caps. In my younger years they didn’t cause me problems, but now many activities having to do with sports or exercise cause me pain. When I go up stairs anyone around can hear my knees crack.
17. At De Anza College while getting my AA I took weight lifting classes. I was able to bench press my weight (125) and leg press double my weight. I can’t do that now!!
18. I’ve ridden in the back of a cop car. In our freshman year in high school Debbie Sheets and I were both taken to my house for getting caught drinking at age 14/15 in Regency Townhouse Complex at the pool. The cop also didn’t believe our last names were Coker & Sheets so we had to prove it by showing him our ASB cards!
19. I had gestational diabetes with both pregnancies. I actually required insulin for a month w/Shawna. I gave myself the shots in my stomach 4 times a day.
20. Sami the Psychic told me I was a Pioneer in my past life during the hardest of times. It explains why I hate manual labor. LOL
21. I’m a very quick reader. I can finish a 600+ page novel in 2 days.
22. I enjoy listening to certain types of books on CD. Generally non-fiction books narrated by the author.
23. My first job was at Kentucky Fried Chicken.
24. My parents have been married for 43 years, they still play tennis. My dad also golf’s.
25. If I could choose one super power I’d want to be able to fly.
Monday, February 9, 2009
I'm here!
I'm here. Allow me to update what has been happening in February and what will happen going forward.
1. Last week I was home 3 days with Paula. She had a mysterious fever. Wednesday I didn't feel all that great so I slept a lot. I was able to work from home but then they changed our department policy and going forward if my kids are sick I can't work from home. That pisses me off! This decision was made before #2 happened, just in case your wondering.
2. At work I got a "talking to" for being insubordinate. I wasn't insubordinate. I looked it up! What I was instead was insolent. Either way I'm on my manager and Sr. Directors shit list. And just in time for our focal reviews. I do not respect authority. Never have. If you have an 'I'm God' attitude, it's a given that you and I will not get along. It didn't help that I was totally PMSing.
3. I'm working with my friend Aaron learning how to be a financial representative. What does that mean? I'm going to get licensed in life insurance, IRA's, personal, 401K roll overs, and home loans, etc. I desperately need to find a new career. (See #2 for why I need to hurry up!) I can do it all part-time while I utilize Aaron as my trainer. Once I get all the appropriate licenses (for free!) when someone does any of the above through me I get a percentage for it. Wish me luck. I really need this to work out. In addition, I get to help people (and myself) get out of debt and financially independent....something our country really needs right now!
4. Superbowl Sunday I attended a Superbowl party at a place called Club Auto Sport. Here is the link. http://www.clubautosport.net/. This place is a condo for cars. I'm not kidding. Not only that I learned they're inventing an AIR CAR. This air car apparently works on the same principle as a compass, using earths gravitational pull. There were some amazing cars in this place; Ferrari's down to Model T's, Classic and new cars. I was told one car I saw was worth over a million dollars! Jay Leno has been to this place. If you know anything about Jay Leno you know he's a car enthusiast. This place had a fitness center, bar, meeting rooms. Basically it's a hang out for car freaks. Wealthy Car Freaks.
That's it for now. I'm off to eat my Progresso soup. I've been bad on my WW commitment.
Oh! Had to come back to add this rainbow picture from last week. Aint it perty?
1. Last week I was home 3 days with Paula. She had a mysterious fever. Wednesday I didn't feel all that great so I slept a lot. I was able to work from home but then they changed our department policy and going forward if my kids are sick I can't work from home. That pisses me off! This decision was made before #2 happened, just in case your wondering.
2. At work I got a "talking to" for being insubordinate. I wasn't insubordinate. I looked it up! What I was instead was insolent. Either way I'm on my manager and Sr. Directors shit list. And just in time for our focal reviews. I do not respect authority. Never have. If you have an 'I'm God' attitude, it's a given that you and I will not get along. It didn't help that I was totally PMSing.
3. I'm working with my friend Aaron learning how to be a financial representative. What does that mean? I'm going to get licensed in life insurance, IRA's, personal, 401K roll overs, and home loans, etc. I desperately need to find a new career. (See #2 for why I need to hurry up!) I can do it all part-time while I utilize Aaron as my trainer. Once I get all the appropriate licenses (for free!) when someone does any of the above through me I get a percentage for it. Wish me luck. I really need this to work out. In addition, I get to help people (and myself) get out of debt and financially independent....something our country really needs right now!
4. Superbowl Sunday I attended a Superbowl party at a place called Club Auto Sport. Here is the link. http://www.clubautosport.net/. This place is a condo for cars. I'm not kidding. Not only that I learned they're inventing an AIR CAR. This air car apparently works on the same principle as a compass, using earths gravitational pull. There were some amazing cars in this place; Ferrari's down to Model T's, Classic and new cars. I was told one car I saw was worth over a million dollars! Jay Leno has been to this place. If you know anything about Jay Leno you know he's a car enthusiast. This place had a fitness center, bar, meeting rooms. Basically it's a hang out for car freaks. Wealthy Car Freaks.
That's it for now. I'm off to eat my Progresso soup. I've been bad on my WW commitment.
Oh! Had to come back to add this rainbow picture from last week. Aint it perty?

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