Today is Rosie's Birthday. She's 1 year old today. It's also a day where card companies and candy companies make out BIG TIME. It's a total racket in my opinion but whatever. I got my girls set up with cards and candy for their classmates. I didn't buy anything. I had the girls cut hearts out of red construction paper using a cookie cutter. I also printed them out SpongeBob cards (4 on a sheet) from the computer and they attached with tape some Sweetheart candy. I gave them each a stuffed dog and candy. Todd received a card. He gave me flowers and a card.
Last night we had a visitor. For those who don't know, I live in the hills so over the past 3 years of being in our house we've had visits in our yard by a tarantula, skunk, snake, huge bugs, turkeys in the hills, deer, cows too of course. Well, remember my previous post about Do birds eat Dog food? Last night we figured out who was really eating the dog food. (The pics aren't great because we had the backyard light on).

Always something exciting happening in our neck of the woods.
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