Thursday, January 17, 2008

Loser Mom

I blew it yesterday. I get a ribbon for Loser Mom. Paula's cheerleading squad had pictures yesterday and I totally thought it was for today. I feel so bad. Now she won't be in group shots. :( I told her I'd take her to Penny's for an individual picture. That made her happy.

Yesterday was so busy as it is. Paula got picked up early along with Shawna; they went home where Paula did homework and did more on her Neighborhood Map, then Todd took them along with the Peppers to the Round Table Pizza near school. The Boy Scouts were doing their annual serving the community there. I had a meeting with the Grants Committee at school so I didn't attend.

On my way to the Grants Committee I stopped at the dollar store for erasers that go on the end of pencils. I found the last bag. They came 60 in a bag. Score! I put them on the nub pencils last night.

Tonight I have my hair appt to remove the greys. Tomorrow is Todd's surgery. snip snip. He's only nervous about having to shave his *nads*. haha Poor thing. I have my consult with the dentist for my implants tomorrow morning.

I'm also planning a summer boating/camping trip.

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